HKU Faculty of Dentistry holds kick-off ceremony for 40th Anniversary celebrations
29 Nov 2021

(Front row left to right) Dr Mike Leung, Assistant Dean (External Relations); Professor Flemmig, Thomas, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry HKU; Dr Raymond Lee, Chairman, Dental Council of Hong Kong; Ms Bernadette Tsui, Associate Vice-President of Development & Alumni Affairs HKU; Dr Pierre Chan, Legislative Councillor; Dr Yiu Kai Wong, President of the College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong.
The Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) will be celebrating its 40th Anniversary in 2022. In less than four decades, the Faculty has become one of the premier dental institutions in the world, marking the collective effort and achievements of its talented staff, students, alumni, and the strategic leadership, with the invaluable support from the Prince Philip Dental Hospital.
To mark the launch of the 40th Anniversary celebrations, a Kick-off ceremony cum football match was held on November 28, 2021 (Sunday). Dr Raymond Lee, Chairman of the Dental Council of Hong Kong was the Guest of Honour at the Ceremony. Other guests included Dr Pierre Chan, Legislative Councillor (Medical functional constituency); Dr Yiu Kai Wong, President of the College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong; Professor Flemmig Thomas, Dean, and Associate Professor Dr Mike Leung, Assistant Dean (External Relations) , the Faculty of Dentistry; and Ms Bernadette Tsui, Associate Vice-President of Development & Alumni Affairs, HKU.
In his speech, Dr Raymond Lee said dental training is like playing sports, that hardship, necessary stress and determination count, which are the qualities of a dentist.
“To equip ourselves with all the skills to excel in our career and contribute to the community and patient care, so as to reach out to the profession’s final destination, is the same as to cross the finishing line,” he said.
Officiating guests kicked the props - footballs to mark the “Kick-Off” of the year-long celebrations. It was followed by a football match in which alumni and teachers formed a team to rival students. Dr Raymond Lee presented the trophy to the Student winning team. The event was concluded successfully with a big round of cheers.
Established in 1982, the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Hong Kong is the sole dental school in Hong Kong providing both undergraduate and postgraduate dental degrees. Moving forward, the Faculty strives to accomplish the mission: To be the global leader in oral health sciences, education and professional care, delivering impact through innovation, interdisciplinarity and internationalization. To learn more about the 40th Anniversary and its celebratory events, please visit:
For enquiries, please contact:
Ms Melody Tang, Senior Communications Officer of the Faculty of Dentistry, HKU
Tel: 2859 0494 / 9155 0980